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Of sushi andavocado.JB: The world is watching this year via the SPOT trackershow aware of the audience are you and how much do you think about it? Could you picture me in the dry air conditioning in pajamas with a giant bowl of hot Sumatra coffee, tracking the spots? There are thousands just like me who find it much moreinteractive Chopard replica watches than watching the other Tour on Versus.ML: The beauty of the SPOT-Casting is that you are only as aware of it as you choose to be. I reset my tracker daily and thats about it. SPOT tracking was introduced to release the Divide racer from dependency on pay phones for communication. I find I can tune out much more and have a much more solo experience using one.

Sure I realize the world is watching, but there again, it doesnt serve the Divide racer to dwell much on the threshold between worlds so I prefer to be all the way gone and revel in that.JB: You had some logistical challenges that resulted in you Concord replica watches having to use canola oil to lube your worn-out chain. What other logistical challenges did you have out there?ML: Yeah, I lubed my chain too many times to count each day. Eventually i just began hitting up short order cooks in towns for canola oil resupply. My race was logistically pretty trouble free. My chain issues in part relate to missing my replacement chain at the post office.

I forwarded it south to Salida but by then the existing one was so worn out it had worn the cogs and rings on the drive train too much to change the chain. On advice from Absolute Bikes in Salida, I left the drivetrain intact and hoped for the bestand used lots of canola oil to keep things shifting OK.JB: Kurt Refsnider, runner-up this year, was IWC replica watches fast, but how aware were you of the Petervarys on Tandem-Onium? Their dust cloud must have seemed like something from a Cormac McCarthy novel. How will their ride this year fit into the lore and legend on the Continental Divide?

